You not alone!
I Can Teach You How To
Handle Stress, Anxiety and Depression!
Can you feel it too?
Your palms slowly begin to feel moist, your heart beats faster, you have difficulty concentrating, you feel a faint throbbing in your head, a sadness creeps in and the feeling that there is not enough time l l of how stress, anxiety and/or depression begins to show itself when we least want it.
I’m sure you’ve also experienced it a few times in your life, for example as Christmas approaches, it’s far from everyone thinking it’s nice. Because there are many things that must come together, everything just has to be perfect for the big gold medal “Christmas Eve”, and it must not be possible to put a finger on anything and not at all:
- Christmas ornament
- Christmas party
- Christmas clothes
- Christmas makeup
- Christmas Gifts
- Christmas food and not a least the Christmas spirit
Everything has to be perfect, but is it also cozy… If not, it can give rise to stress, anxiety and/or depression. Yes, I don’t know what can do it in such a short time.
But what can you do to turn it all around???
Well, you could, for example, take a course – not an ordinary physical course, because it requires that you both get out the door and spend time on transport back and forth to the course, and of course also on the course itself, where there are other people.
And that’s where I come in, as your guide to guiding you in the right direction and teaching you the tools on how to handle your stress, anxiety and/or depression.
For more than 8 years, I have helped and taught women and young people espicily teenager in several Danish municipalities, to get out of their “cheese bell” and move on in life, so they can now:
- Go to the supermarket and buy again
- Take walks in nature
- Talk about the difficult with the family
- Be more social
- Saying no
- Have more faith in themselves
- Do the things they set out to do
- Take an assistant to attend meetings with the public sector, such as a caseworker, doctor, and other professional organizations.
I’m educated:
- Hypnotherapist
- Cognitive couples therapist
- Reiki Healer
- Mindfulness Instructor Mindful Motivation Therapist
- Wellness masseuse
As well as the developer of the Balance Your Body, Mind & Soul cards.
The Balance Your Body, Mind & Soul cards are a tool for working with your inner qualities on a daily basis, which you can read more about here.
I constantly strive to become even better at what I already am, namely the best at helping others [actually very good.]
If you think it’s time to do something about your anxiety, depression or stress, contact me here for a non-binding conversation.
If, on the other hand, you want to book a session or sign up for the course “How to handle everyday life with SAD“, you can do so here.
When you believe in something that has been proven to be more effective for you – then it works for you. This is the case when you receive hypnotherapy.
Being open to it is a sure way to make it work.