Just Sharing ~Two Women Talk!
Denne hypnose-lydfil er specielt skrevet og indspillet af Anella Hansen, netop til dig. Den er designet til at hjælpe dig med at slappe af og opbygge en rolig selvtillid.
Den indeholder alt, hvad du behøver for at starte din rejse fra at være stresset, udmattet, ængstelig eller overvældet til at opnå mere klarhed og selvtillid.
På grund af forbindelsen mellem sind og krop kan du nogle gange opleve overvældende følelser. Eller måske virker dine følelser okay, men din krop kan stadig være påvirket af langvarig stress.
Today Neringa and I talk of our experience about it was to move to Spain.
We are just 2 women sharing our experiences of life as a woman and as a human being, for better or worse.
If you have any comments, questions or a topic you think would be a good idea for us to address, don’t hesitate to write to us no: 🔻🔻🔻
Neringa Dan: njdragonflytherapy@gmail.com
Anella Hansen: mail@wellbeingforever.eu
This time our talk is about stress during the holiday season, is there anything we can do to reduce it and is there anything we should be aware of.
If you have any comments, questions or a topic you think would be a good idea for us to address, don’t hesitate to write to us:🔻🔻🔻
Neringa Dan: njdragonflytherapy@gmail.com
Anella Hansen: mail@wellbeingforever.eu
This time our talk is about difficult feelings and why it’s so hard to talk about them and actually not about the feelings themselves.
If you have any comments, questions or a topic you think would be a good idea for us to address, don’t hesitate to write to us no: 🔻🔻🔻
Neringa Dan: njdragonflytherapy@gmail.com
Anella Hansen: mail@wellbeingforever.eu
This time our talk is about challenges.
If you have any comments, questions or a topic you think would be a good idea for us to address, don’t hesitate to write to us no: 🔻🔻🔻
Neringa Dan: njdragonflytherapy@gmail.com
Anella Hansen: mail@wellbeingforever.eu
This time our talk is about fear and what it means to us.
If you have any comments, questions or a topic you think would be a good idea for us to address, don’t hesitate to write to us no: 🔻🔻🔻
Neringa Dan: njdragonflytherapy@gmail.com
Anella Hansen: mail@wellbeingforever.eu
This time our talk is about is it love or attachment?
If you have any comments, questions or a topic you think would be a good idea for us to address, don’t hesitate to write to us:🔻🔻🔻
Neringa Dan: njdragonflytherapy@gmail.com
Anella Hansen: mail@wellbeingforever.eu